Antidepressant things are all around us.

Robert Golding
2 min readJul 10, 2024

Modern people constantly experience stress, a series of which can lead to depression.

Physiotherapeutic and drug treatments help cope with depression, but at the cost of free time and money spent. And few people know that there is a simple and affordable way to deal with stress and accumulated tension — these are some of the things that are in your home.

Items for stress relief.

To relax and recover after a difficult day, you can use ordinary items that everyone probably has at home. For example:

* comb — 5–10 minutes is enough comb hair to​ relax muscles ;
* ice cream, delicious food — allows you to have fun and improve your mood;
* a warm bath or contrast shower is a great way to relieve fatigue and get rid of negativity;
* paints or pencils — drawing helps relieve stress and calm down;
* favorite perfume or essential oil — inhaling fragrant air will reduce anxiety and help you relax;
* pets — cats and dogs sense the mood of the owner. If they are not there, you can iron the fur on your fur coat or hat;
*music, yoga, dancing, meditation — turn on your favorite hits, dance with pleasure or play sports. It tones well, energizes, and lifts your spirits.



Robert Golding

Those who live twice as fast can enjoy double the opportunities in life.