How to talk to your child about school?

Robert Golding
3 min read1 day ago
Photo by Katerina Holmes from Pexels:

Many parents have enough strength to answer traditional questions:
— What did you get for…? — What did you ask? — What did you eat?
Of course, this is important information 😊 Especially if parents are ready to take responsibility for their child’s studies, and the school will certainly be happy to give it out…
Those who have progressed a little further ask: “What was interesting? What new things did you learn?” Sometimes we may receive a gloomy “nothing” in response. If we consider education not as the reception and transmission of “knowledge” — facts, but as a process of personality formation and the ability to search and verify interesting and important information, then we can expand the list of topics for conversations around school.

School is not an encyclopedia, but an educational environment. Grades 1 and 5 go through a period of adaptation and you can stimulate the conversation with the following questions:
— Was there anything difficult for you to do or say today? — Did you smile at anything? — Did something make you sad? — Maybe something surprised you ?Such questions show your child your interest in him, and not in his studies. Therefore, there are more chances for revelations. This way you will have the opportunity to learn about the child’s well-being, his affairs, adaptation…



Robert Golding

Those who live twice as fast can enjoy double the opportunities in life.