The 10 most important and famous psychologists in history

Robert Golding
5 min readJan 14, 2024

Who are the most important psychologists in history? Find out in our rankings.

There have been several decades of research in psychology, and research into how we think, feel, and behave has become increasingly numerous and complex. Waves of scientific experiments, publications and articles have precipitated to create a mass of theories and knowledge about psychology and neuroscience, which is scary to approach from scratch, but this does not mean that in recent years there have not been researchers of particular importance . . .

This little top ten with some of the most famous psychologists can help give an idea of the moment in psychological research.

A completely questionable list of the most important and famous psychologists.

Psychologists appear here to be classified in one way or another according to the era to which they belong, and not according to the extent of their work and discoveries. This is a list of the most important and influential psychologists , and of course there will always be those who think we have forgotten someone. Even if they are not all there, we can say that they are all there.

1. Guilherme Font

Wundt (August 16, 1832 — August 31, 1920) is considered by many to be the first psychologist in history . This is debatable, because psychology has…



Robert Golding

Those who live twice as fast can enjoy double the opportunities in life.